Regina Spektor . net

When they ask you, What's your church?, you say, I dance

Since you've already cleared out a shelf for all things Regina, please be advised that there's a short piece in the current issue of Heeb:
"There is no real 'I' in my music," Spektor continues. "An actor can take up any role and win an award for it. However, a musician can sing from the perspective of a wife-beater and suddenly that musician is inciting violence." Spektor takes another bite of her muffin and looks up, exclaiming, "Wow, this muffin is really amazing."
The item refers to her label as Record Collection (a different cog in the WB conglomerate) , but I'm chalking that one up to a slacking intern fact-checker.

R.I.P. Chris Whitley, and thank you.


Blogger STWONGBAD said...

how do you find this stuff Srg. did you just randomly pick up a magazine in a shop and find the article? or do you have a subscription to Heeb? Either way, props to you. I might actually buy that mag just for the Cover of Sarah Silverman (so smokin'!) I just saw her movie "Jesus is Magic", which did not live up to my expectations of her. Also it was mostly just stand up material i had seen/heard before. Very Funny Woman (an oxymoron normaly I know) but not a very well put together film. To bad.
On the Regina part though, I think that is the second time I have heard her interviewd and argue the side of muscians compared to actors portraying violent characters in their respective mediums. (and I like what she says) Though I believe most of the parents that protest artists like eminem, Ozzy, manson, typically do not endorse violent films (save for Passion of the Christ) and video games either. or any other medium of artistic expression that is sex/violence/drugs/cursing/gay related.

November 28, 2005 1:33 PM  
Blogger STWONGBAD said...

My browser in my office suddenly stopped recognizing the Brumstick forum, when i try to access it. Saying it cannot find that location. Just wanted to see if you could still access it or if my work blocked it.

thanks, David

November 30, 2005 10:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

thank you regina my girlfriend i mean my half. really like your song "SAMSON & FIDELITY" thank you for creating that song she began to smile when she hear that song! im thankfull for that! always takecare... god bless...

every :)

October 13, 2007 4:41 AM  

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